MCU: 10 Things That Repeat WAY Too Much

8. Holograms For Everything

black widow taskmaster
Marvel Studios

Now don't get me wrong here, having two characters look into the camera and explain how the Ultron programme digitally beat seven shades of coding out of JARVIS would be boring, but visualising such a thing with a hologram of lights consuming another is just absurd.

And our fleshy characters are just as bad.

How many times now have we seen the rules and history of the Infinity Stones displayed to us through a flick of someone's wrist in a colourful floating slide-show? I'll tell you how many: Three!

We've seen Tony Stark simulate and solve genuinely earth-shattering math equations through holograms so many times now, I'm starting to wonder if he actually was a genius, or is just coasting off the latest operating system.

Watching Peter Parker build his own Spider Suit using Tony's holographic tailoring software was a nice handing of the baton moment for the two of them, but it was also just another example of how addicted the digital aid the MCU has become.

Things do appear to have slowed down in the MCU Disney Plus series at least; with Falcon & The Winter Soldier actually feeling like it's set in the present day and not the twenty-fifth century. But there's still plenty more complex things to come in the MCU; just wait until they have to explain Patrick Stewart in the Multiverse.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!