MCU: 10 Things You Learn Rewatching Thor

8. None Of The Drama On Earth Works (But The Comedy Does)

Thor 1
Marvel Studios

As soon as Thor crash lands on Earth, the film similarly grinds to a halt. After tantalising viewers with imaginative off-world locations and giving them a taste of cosmic politics, the hero is stripped of his powers and banished to the arse-end of nowhere.

Unfortunately, once he's there, what was once an intergalactic, Shakespearian action movie becomes yet another run-of-the-mill origin story where the hero has to learn that with great power comes great responsibility, or whatever.

Admittedly, Thor becoming more human was necessary to ease him in for an audience as well as for his character arc - but all of that is accomplished in the comedy, rather than the actual dramatic threads.

The character demanding "another!" and waltzing into a pet store to find something "big enough to ride" is hilarious, and does a great job to highlight his arrogance, which only makes it such a shame when it's dropped and the focus is put on predictable beats like Thor needing to learn to be "worthy" to reacquire Mjolnir.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3