MCU: 12 Things You Learn Rewatching Captain America: The First Avenger

3. Bucky's "Death" Is Unintentionally Hilarious

Captain America The First Avenger Bucky Death
Marvel Studios

Though in 2018 we have the full context of what Bucky's "death" ultimately meant for the MCU, back when The First Avenger hit cinemas, his apparent demise didn't land with quite the same level of impact.

However, it's worth noting that, when watched today, his long dive into the snow is rendered unintentionally funny, both due to Sebastian Stan's hilariously elongated scream, and some extremely dodgy visual effects, with Stan being awkwardly composited falling to the icy backdrop.

Again, it suits the B-movie tone well enough, but as the moment was clearly intended to evoke some emotion, it's hard not to chuckle at how quaint and silly it looks nowadays.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.