MCU: 12 Things You Learn Rewatching The Incredible Hulk

1. The Avengers Tease Is A Little Awkward

The Incredible Hulk Tony Stark
Marvel Studios

At the time of The Incredible Hulk's release, it was absolutely mind-blowing to see Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) show up in the movie's credits scene to talk to General Ross about the Hulk and hint at the eventual Avengers team-up.

However, to modern eyes the scene doesn't fly quite so well, largely because it doesn't really make sense within the context of the MCU as we know it.

For starters, Tony refers to the Hulk as a "problem", somewhat implying that he and the other Avengers would be taking him down for Ross, which obviously isn't what happens.

Moreover, it feels like Marvel Studios was so eager to start tying their movies together they didn't really care how much it made sense. The only previous MCU movie, Iron Man, made only the most tacit hint at The Avengers, and even after this tease, it was four more years before the team-up actually happened. Jumping the gun much?

This scene basically happened solely to tell audiences, "We've got this. Just please go see our Thor and Cap movies and we promise it'll all work out fine."

It did work out more-than-fine for the record, but this scene nevertheless feels a little clumsily placed in retrospect.

What did you think of The Incredible Hulk on a rewatch? Shout it out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.