MCU: 12 Things You Learn Rewatching Thor: Ragnarok

9. The Plot Is Total Nonsense

Thor Ragnarok Hulk Thor Valkyrie Loki
Marvel Studios

Even this movie's staunchest defenders will have a hard time defending its rather piecemeal plot, which starts to crumble apart under even the most half-baked scrutiny, taking a firm backseat to the larger-than-life characters, hilarious one-liners, awesome visuals and delirious action.

Ultimately it's best not to pick the plot apart too much because it just makes the movie harder to enjoy. Even ignoring the rather glaring coincidence of The Hulk, Thor and Loki all ending up on Sakaar, this is fundamentally a "just because" movie, where Odin's death releases Hela from her captivity because of course it does, and inevitably, she's revealed to be Thor and Loki's sister.

Then there's the main Ragnarok plot, which pulls a random 180 at the eleventh hour and sees Thor actually instigating Ragnarok in order to annihilate Hela. Sure, why not?

Don't be mistaken: Ragnarok's plot isn't offensively bad, it's just scarcely existent: it is a most basic structure on which to hang everything that's so wonderful in the movie. If you want an actually engaging story, though, you're better off with Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Civil War.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.