MCU: 13 Things You Learn Rewatching Ant-Man

4. Yellowjacket Is Rather Uninspiring (But Not Terrible)

Yellowjacket Ant-Man
Marvel Studios

Corey Stoll's Darren Cross has his moments - like getting rid of naysayer Frank (though it's curious that nobody seems to notice or care that he vanishes), but he's just a little too similar to Obadiah Stane and Justin Hammer to really last in memory as a villain. It's still a little cruel to cast him off as terrible as some have.

What he did offer Marvel was a more personal insight into villainy, which they picked up from Civil War onwards. He isn't just a corporate bad-guy, Cross is determined to outshine his "father" figure and mentor. He's the archetypical snubbed child and that's what drives his recklessness, and that personal link to the hero is what Marvel concentrated on with Zemo onwards.

And one touch that is really great is using what sounds like a swarm of bees effect when he appears in Cassie's bedroom - it's creepy and wonderfully effective.

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