MCU: 13 Things You Learn Rewatching Ant-Man

5. It's Not As Goofy As It Could Have Been

Ant Man Sugar Cube
Marvel Studios

Even though some of the MCU heroes rely on a bit of silliness, Ant-Man is a different breed entirely and there's no denying that him being able to "talk" to ants telepathically and lead them into battle is on another level entirely. On an Aquaman talking to fish sort of level, in fact.

Throughout the film we get some pretty silly moments, but it's done with such charm and self-awareness that it never feels as goofy as it probably should have. Instead, it's done with the kind of wide-eyed sci-fi wonder you'd expect from something like Honey I Shrunk The Kids (no accident that the first shrink sequence feels like it belongs in that franchise).

In other words, they captured the right tone so well that you just don't question anything, which was then recaptured again when Ant-Man appeared in Civil War and got his big moment.

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