MCU: 13 Things You Learn Rewatching Ant-Man

2. Anthony's Death Is Truly Devastating

Ant-Man Anthony
Marvel Studios

If you want the true testament to how convincingly Ant-Man does heart, look to the sequence that sees the tragic death of Scott's favourite ant - and sometimes steed - Anthony, who dies during the heist in the film's most affectingly emotionaly scene.

Just for a moment, imagine a world where a film blending heist spirit with more traditional comedy can convincingly make you care about the fate of a (sort of) giant ant.

A lot of that comes down to the fact that the film-makers actually gave the ants personality, even when they're acting as one unit, which was the real key to making those moments work (and not off as too goofy). The fact that fans will be excited to see more ant sequences in the sequel - on top of the size effects scenes - proves how well they worked.

Let's just hope they don't try and replace Anthony.

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Ant-Man MCU
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