MCU: 13 Things You Learn Rewatching Ant-Man

11. Scott Lang's Ex-Wife Is An Ass-Hat

Ant-Man Cassie Lang
Marvel Studios

You can understand that Maggie would be upset at Lang for breaking the law and getting caught, but his "crime" was essentially a Robin Hood crime and came from a place of strong moral integrity. He's a good guy and would be a positive influence on his daughter - as any reasonable person could see.

But, because he can't get a job - which is inevitable because of the black and white way employers look at criminal records sometimes - she refuses him access to his child. She basically makes him desperate and ensures he cycles back to a life of crime in order to not have to wait 377 days to see Cassie. Just be a bit more reasonable and Scott wouldn't end up arrested again. There's child protection and then there's being spiteful.

Come to think of it, so is Hank Pym, who goes beyond giving Scott an ultimatum - he literally ruins his life and gambles on the fact that he'll get away with burglary and a prison break while he's on parole. He could have ended up in prison forever with no chance of ever seeing his child - because, really, how the hell could Hank Pym change the law to get him off with those crimes? He's an industrialist who shunned working with the government. He has literally no legitimate power.

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