MCU: 13 Things You Learn Rewatching Ant-Man

10. This Had Absolutely No Right To Work

marvel studios antman edgar wright
Marvel Studios

Considering the fact that Ant-Man was supposed to come out as an Edgar Wright movie before it was completely changed late in the day, rewritten and reframed as an MCU movie, it should have been a total mess. That it was anything above mediocre is incredible. That it's great is unthinkable.

There are still traces of Wright in there, certainly in the bones of the story (and watching Baby Driver now gives some hints at what he might have wanted to make with Ant-Man) and the final and opening musical themes feel like something he would absolutely pick.

It's just a shame that we'll not get to see his full movie, no matter how good Peyton Reed's version is.

There's actually a surprising moment of self-awareness too just after the heist when Cross asks Lang if he thought he could "stop the future with a heist" and Lang responds "it was never JUST a heist." It might not be a direct insult to Wright, but it's certainly a tongue-in-cheek moment.

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