MCU: 15 Majorly Dumb Plot Holes You Never Noticed

12. Tony Stark Is Back To Being Iron Man - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

MCU Broken BiFrost

Iron Man 3 concluded with the titular tin-head having his arc reactor removed from his chest, blowing up his armour, and seemingly calling it quits from the superhero lifestyle. Now, we obviously know Stark hasn't retired so we assume the follow-up, Avengers: Age of Ultron, will give us some explanation why he is back and how he learned to energise the suit without an internal arc reactor.

Instead, the movie starts with Stark back in his red-and-yellow suit and the climax of Iron Man 3 is never addressed. Considering this bloated sequel is already overstuffed with unnecessary scenes and countless quips, it seems ridiculous that the director couldn't insert ONE line to explain Stark's situation.

Also, Ultron keeps saying that a "meteor" killed the dinosaurs. This isn't true. It was an asteroid. For the world's smartest robot, you'd assume Ultron would've known that.


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