MCU: 15 Majorly Dumb Plot Holes You Never Noticed

11. Wasp's Wings - Ant-Man And The Wasp

MCU Broken BiFrost
Marvel Studios

When Scott Lang sees Hope Van Dyne in action in Ant-Man and the Wasp, he turns to her father, Hank Pym, and says, “You gave her wings? So, I take it you didn’t have that tech available for me?” Hank retorts with, “No, I did.”

This may be one of the funniest lines but it creates a problem in the story. While Lang is miniaturised, he travels by hitching a ride on an ant. On several occasions, Lang can't find any insects in his vicinity, so he risks not reaching his destination in time. What if Hope is captured or killed because Lang failed to rescue her because he didn't locate an ant? What if a bomb went off, killing dozens of people because Lang couldn't reach it in time?

Now that we know Pym could've bypassed this problem by attaching wings to Ant-Man's costume but chose not, it makes Hopes' father seem reckless and inconsiderate.


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