MCU: 5 Best & 5 Worst Villains So Far

4. Abomination

Hulk Abomination
Marvel Studios

Oh yeah, you may be thinking. The Incredible Hulk was the second MCU movie to hit screens way back in 2008 and, unlike Jeff Bridges’ Iron Monger in the first-ever movie - Iron Man, Abomination does little to make you want to rewatch the movie. Over a decade has passed and it speaks volumes a character whose fate was left relatively up in the air is yet to be mentioned again.

And, like Yellowjacket, Emil Blonsky is rather forgettable. Again, you really are a true Marvel fan if you can name one single line or memorable moment he produces. The Incredible Hulk has been somewhat been swept under the rug ever since Ed Norton was stripped of the role and Mark Ruffalo took over with characters such as Betty Ross and Tim Blake Nelson never popping up again.

The film ends with Blonsky being imprisoned in a decision that would normally suggest a possible return. But it seems as if his whole purpose was to help Hulk in tearing New York apart and, given we’ve sat through countless titles watching the big guy cause chaos, that means this Abomination's time in the MCU really is done - because there's simply no need for him.

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