MCU: 5 Best & 5 Worst Villains So Far

3. Ronan The Accuser

Ronan Guardians Of The Galaxy
Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy is widely regarded as one of Marvel’s best outings so far with many critics and fans rating it even higher than its successor. However, while Ego, The Living Planet proves a worthy choice of villain for the sequel, Ronan the Accuser underwhelms in the first instalment.

That happens for two reasons. One is that it was a really questionable decision to throw a villain so dark and flat in a film so bright and jam-packed full of fun, laughs, action scenes and colour. It is a mix that seldom works and, even though Marvel got away with it, Ronan butchers most scenes he’s in and the film’s success is largely down to the likes of Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper and Dave Bautista acting their backsides off.

The second way Ronan fails to live up to expectations is, well, he’s not actually that strong. One of the final scenes sees Pratt’s Star Lord take an infinity stone from him in a dance-off and that basically sums everything up. The good side is, though, he has a shot at redemption when Captain Marvel comes out later in the year.

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