MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Thor: Ragnarok

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

Thor: Raganrok finally gave the god of thunder the movie he deserved: an energetic, colorful, and not-so-serious affair that finally allowed Thor to shine in a way that we had never seen before in the first two Thor films or the first two Avengers films.

As such, it also gave us the franchise's first great climax, one that viewers could actually get behind, perhaps thanks to the wonderful sounds of Led Zeppelin.

Between Hulk fighting a giant wolf, Hela actually being a menacing and interesting villain, and Thor using his powers lightning greater than ever before, all while Immigrant Song plays over the action, Thor: Ragnarok gave us a truly awesome final battle, something that both Thor movies prior failed to do.

Ragnarok is proof that third-act battles in the MCU can be fun, imaginative, and even funny (thanks, Korg) while also being high in stakes and carrying a sense of dread. Hela was almost unbeatable, which led Thor and Loki to intentionally cause the very thing they were trying to stop, Ragnarok, to defeat their evil sister. It was successful, of course, but at the price of destroying Asgard.

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