MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

Avengers: Infinity War is a weird one, because it actually has two final battles taking place concurrently, one in Wakanda and one on Titan. And there's also Nidavellir where Thor creates Stormbreaker taking place at the same time.

Luckily, both battles are incredible. The Battle of Wakanda is, admittedly, just our heroes once again fighting a faceless alien army, but it's still exhilarating. And how does one not get pumped up when Thor shows up on the battlefield to the iconic Avengers theme?

The fight on Titan is definitely the more engaging set piece though, as that's where the other heroes fight the mad titan himself. It's an incredible visual feast, in part thanks to how grand and stunning the environments on Titan are. Plus, Thanos pulls a freaking moon from the sky, and Doctor Strange gets to show off his insane powers.

And it was all going well until Star-Lord messed up big time.

Ultimately, Thanos comes out on top, leading to that devastating finale where he succeeds in wiping out half of all life from the universe, a moment which still leaves us speechless, even though it's since been undone.

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