MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Captain America: Civil War

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

The airport fight might be the more iconic and exciting action sequence of Civil War, but the final fight between Cap, Tony and Bucky is nothing to scoff at.

This action sequence is far more personal and emotional than the chaos of the airport scene, as Steve and Tony lose any and all friendship they had left and fully turn on each other.

Seeing Tony betrayed when he found out that Bucky killed his parents, and that Steve knew about it, was heartbreaking, and as much as we hate to see him turn on Steve and for them to beat the crap out of each other, it's understandable why Tony acts this way in his grief.

The fight between the two, though emotionally devastating, is great, with excellent cinematography and choreography on display. Between this and The Winter Soldier, The Russos proved themselves incredible directors, and they were absolutely the right choice to tackle the final two Avengers films.

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