MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

2. The Avengers

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

The MCU has grown a lot since The Avengers came out, and as subsequent films got bigger, the first team-up film has started to look a bit smaller.

However, seeing Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk (we didn't care about Black Widow or Hawkeye at the time, sorry) team up on the big screen for the first time was a monumental moment, and their first big final battle still holds up incredibly well.

There's that iconic spinning group shot, which remains arguably the most iconic moment in the MCU.

There's so many other things to love about this extravaganza. There's this scene that shows each hero fighting the battle in an extended shot, Loki catching Hawkeye's arrow which blows up, and Hulk beating the crap out of Loki, which is still hilarious.

Iron Man's near-sacrifice at the end is also great. Sure, he didn't die, and was around for many more years afterwards, but it was proof that, despite what Steve said earlier in the film, he was the kind of man who could make the sacrifice play. And he ultimately did many years later.

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