MCU: Every Infinity Saga Villain RANKED

5. Spider-Man: Homecoming - Vulture

British MCU Villains
Marvel Studios

So late into the MCU game, we finally get a couple of questions answered about the collateral damage left behind by the Avengers after they've leveled a city and are off celebrating.

This question snowballs into the opening scene of Spider-Man: Homecoming; in which a good man called Adrian Toomes (and his employees) are screwed out of money and work by the very person who caused the devastation. If he weren't threatening to kill teenagers, this character might have been a good guy.

The thing is Adrian doesn't have some grand plan for world domination, or plans to start a war. He just wants what was originally owed to him.

But motivations aside, Adrian Toomes aka Vulture is a great villain for Spider-Man to face alone because he is genuinely terrifying. His cold-blooded threats to Peter are sugar-coated with gratitude for saving his daughters life, and his uncompromising way in disposing of rebellious workers is met with a frustrated sneer.

Vulture is the right step in direction for MCU bad guys, and Michael Keaton sells his role expertly.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!