MCU: Every Infinity Saga Villain RANKED

2. Thor - Loki

British MCU Villains
Marvel Studios

If you re-watch the first Thor, Loki is the first MCU villain to make us sympathize and realize that the villains can be just as complicated as the heroes.

In his debut the God of Mischief initially comes off as a weaselly trickster, but when we peel back the layers and witness the struggle he's lived with as the son of a ruler, and lived under the shadow of his much favored brother, we can't help but rally behind him a little.

Tom Hiddleston plays with all the emotions in his role; with his two best scenes showing how wrecked he is with his family dynamics. His pained expression as he confronts Odin on his parentage became a quick meme, while his spiteful threat to Thor that he'll "pay Jane a visit" is vitriol enough to rally Thor to victory.

Compare Loki in this film to what he is in Avengers, and he's operating a different level of villainy. He's a whispering manipulator in Thor; whereas in Avengers he's a ruler of an army.

While in later films he takes on the role of more anti-Hero, it's this debut performance that stands out the most.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!