MCU: Every Infinity Saga Villain RANKED

21. Captain Marvel - Yon-Rogg

British MCU Villains
Marvel Studios

Jude Law's character was always going to be a bad guy if not THE bad guy of Captain Marvel. It's Jude Law after all! If he didn't die before the end of the first act, he would have certainly been revealed as a bad guy by the third.

The reveal that the Skrulls are in fact refugees and are victims of the Kree's regime is a great change for the MCU to undertake. But Yon-Rogg's resolute reason for hunting them doesn't change even after this game-changing reveal.

This was Phase 3 of the MCU! At this point we had a roulette wheel of complicated villains, and for Captain Marvel to use all her might against a character with a fraction of her abilities doesn't exactly put audiences on the edge of their seats.

Yon-Rogg does survive the events of Captain Marvel, and with a sequel in the works it's no doubt he'll return and we might get to see a bit more weight on the character. But for a solo debut for the hero, and introduction for this mentor/villain, it's a pretty weak entrance.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!