MCU: Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Ranked Worst To Best

14. Captain Marvel (2019)

Captain Marvel

As controversial a topic as Captain Marvel has been recently - mostly because of the awful toxic response of certain "dudebros" to Brie Larson's comments on critical diversity, it's also a genuinely entertaining film.

The characters are great, the performances - particularly Larson, Samuel L Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn - are all wonderful and there's enough cat love in there to sink a ship. If you like that sort of thing.

It's tempting to judge the film purely on its "political" importance, which ranks it very, very high in the MCU, but as a film on its own merits, it's about the level of the Phase One movies. Which is to say that it's good but it has its issues - mostly in the frankly awful effects work that blights it on occasion.

More than anything it promises a very bright future.

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