MCU: Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Ranked Worst To Best

13. Doctor Strange (2016)

Doctor Strange Open Mind.jpg
Marvel Studios

Kevin Feieg was always certain that we'd get to see a Doctor Strange movie in the MCU and while it took a while to get off the ground, the timing meant we got to see the perfect actor cast in Benedict Cumberbatch and a director with the right vision to open up the magic realm of the MCU.

The film feels like it's making the technology work at its limits, and it seems that Scott Derrickson's horror background proved the right experience to exploring the source's weirder elements. It's in the effects work and Cumberbatch's performance as Strange that the film soars most, in fact.

Cumberbatch brings the same blend of aloofness and disarming charm that made his Sherlock so successful, and he's assisted admirably by a great supporting cast. Even Mad Mikkelsen is good as villain Kaecilius, without the material to make him anything like a great villain, which is probably the film's biggest disappointment.

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