MCU: Every Single Marvel Movie Post-Credits Scene (And What They Mean)

14. Captain America: Civil War: Spidey

Captain America Civil War Spider Man
Marvel Studios

The Scene

Having returned from the Civil War to his home in Queens, Peter Parker sits in his room investigating the new Spidey suit Tony Stark gave him. As Aunt May asks him about his black eye, he accidentally activates a button on his wrist that projects the Spider-Signal and what appears to be an AI interface onto his ceiling.

What It Meant

That we're going to see the Iron Spider suit - maybe.

In the Civil War comics, Stark made Parker a suit with a raft of technological augmentations, including the iconic golden arms that looked cool but hid a secret - that Stark was monitoring Parker's powers in case he needed to take him down. This might not be the same thing, but the fact that Stark built in some features Parker wasn't aware of was a big hint we'd see a version of that story.

It also made it likely we'd see more techy modifications uncovered in Spider-Man: Homecoming (as later confirmed by the trailers).


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