MCU Phase 4: 10 Dead Characters Who Could Return

9. Arnim Zola

Black Panther Killmonger Death Michael B Jordan
Marvel Studios

Zola has already died twice in the MCU, but he may yet come back a third time. His first death came via natural causes in the 70s, but he had the forethought to upload his consciousness onto computers at Camp Leigh, leading to his second death in The Winter Soldier.

Having Zola’s face on the fisheye computer monitor was obviously a nod towards Zola’s comic book appearance, but it could also be his ticket back. With Steve Rogers out of the picture though, they might not decide to capitalise on that potential.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier also reveals how insidious Hydra is within SHIELD, with even high ranking members like Jasper Sitwell and Alexander Pierce as double agents. Surely someone was therefore able to make backups of Zola and upload him to the cloud?

They seem to have some of the top minds on their projects, and manage to do all their deeds in dark rooms; if they did save Zola, it would be a select group of people who knew.

Zola himself might not even be aware of this backup. If the files were copied, the originals might have had no knowledge. The still living Zola may not even know he died.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)