MCU Phase 4: 10 Dead Characters Who Could Return

8. Ronan The Accuser

Black Panther Killmonger Death Michael B Jordan
Marvel Studios

Ronan The Accuser has already returned in Captain Marvel, a movie set before his death in Guardians Of The Galaxy. He’ll likely feature in some part in Captain Marvel’s sequel too, as the Kree-Skrull war was far from over when the movie ended.

It’s not just in these ‘prequels’ to the central MCU where Ronan could play a part though. There’s a decent chance his death could be reversed, because his demise came in a unique way.

We don’t really know how the Infinity Gauntlet works. Thanos snapped his fingers and killed half the universe, but did he deliberately spare himself, or was he just part of the surviving 50%?

Hulk reversed the snap, bringing everyone back to life. He’s unable to bring Nat back though, as she traded her soul for the Soul Stone.

In the end credits of Infinity War, we see a helicopter crash into a building; do all the unsnapped people who died in those sorts of accidents come back at Hulk’s command?

Once you get into the finer details, you have to consider that, while he wasn’t snapped, Ronan was directly killed by an Infinity Stone. Depending on Hulk’s exact directions, Ronan may have been reborn.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)