MCU Phase 4: 10 Dead Characters Who Could Return

7. Ultron

Black Panther Killmonger Death Michael B Jordan
Marvel Studios

The possibility of Ultron returning is two fold. One, Marvel have kind of teased it (maybe), and two, he’s easier to bring back than most dead villains.

In a prelude comic for Captain Marvel, Nick Fury and Maria Hill are shown to be fighting off Ultron drones in Sokovia. Fury kills one by stabbing it through the eye socket and its red lights flicker out, Terminator style. It’s cool, no question, but it’s not particularly relevant to Captain Marvel.

Despite Captain Marvel being set years before Ultron’s creation, some fans thought the scene would lead to him appearing in the film in some form. We now know that’s not true, but it seems strange to include nonetheless.

The speculation wasn’t entirely baseless either, as Red Skull made a random appearance in the Infinity War prelude comic, only to then have a surprise appearance in the movie itself.

Coming onto the second point, Ultron being a robot means resurrection isn’t inconceivable. He’s shown to be able to transfer portions of his consciousness wirelessly, so he may have been able to save himself in some form.

Growing stronger with each passing year, Ultron may just be biding his time before rising again.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)