MCU Phase 4: 10 Films That MUST Happen (That Marvel Won't Make)

6. Wolverine

Asgardians Of The Galaxy
Marvel Comics

As DC found out when they cast Jared Leto as Joker, some classic roles need some serious cooling down before another actor fills them. Hugh Jackman might never have won an Oscar for Wolverine, but he embodied the role for decades, was the first major comic movie star of the modern age, and remains an iconic figure; it’s a tough gig for whoever fills his shoes.

In truth, no time will ever really be enough - just look at Will Smith as Robin Williams’ Genie. Jackman finally bowed out with a tour de force turn in Logan, and with his age and his heavy ties to Fox’s separate universe, there’s not really anyway Marvel can use him in the role successfully.

Wolverine’s extreme popularity means fans are always going to want him in the MCU, teaming up with their favourite Avengers. However, Kevin Feige is intelligent enough to know that there’ll be huge complications when it comes to introducing him.

Perhaps the only place suitable for him is a movie that breaks the fourth wall enough that immersion isn’t an issue, and is meta enough to wink at contrasting timelines or recasting. Luckily, Disney now owns a movie just like that: Deadpool.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)