MCU Phase 4: 10 Films That MUST Happen (That Marvel Won't Make)

5. Squirrel Girl

Asgardians Of The Galaxy

This is where things start to get a bit bizarre. The first five might not happen because of contract disputes, scheduling, or because they interfere with potential existing scripts. Squirrel Girl though is one that Marvel won’t make because... well, they wouldn’t, would they?

Squirrel Girl is a bit of a gag character, like Deadpool without the meta-references or the violence. She’s not really supposed to be taken seriously, and you can’t strictly include her storylines as canon. She once defeated Thanos by making him smell a particularly stinky piece of garbage for example - a tactic that will likely not be used in Endgame.

Galactus has been ‘defeated’ previously too, agreeing not to eat the planet as long as she becomes his friend. The point is, her silliness goes way beyond even Guardians or Ragnarok, and as such they’d struggle to slot her naturally into the MCU.

Having taken so long to craft a universe, they’re unlikely to bother with standalone flicks. Unfortunately, unless they find a way to ground her while keeping her charm, that’s probably Squirrel Girl’s only shot. A quirky actress like Zooey Deschanel or Anna Kendrick would be perfect, but the character just doesn’t fit in with the rest of the MCU.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)