MCU Phase 4: 10 Films That MUST Happen (That Marvel Won't Make)

4. Howard The Duck

Asgardians Of The Galaxy
Marvel Studios

This one is arguably even weirder than Squirrel Girl but also slightly more likely to actually happen. Howard The Duck has already cameoed in both Guardians movie, voiced by Seth Green. However, given James Gunn’s slightly off the wall sense of humour, these are likely nods to the cult hero rather than any attempt to naturally introduce him into the universe.

Howard The Duck has already had a solo movie, one so disastrous it makes the Fantastic Four flicks look Palme D’Or worthy. The movie currently ‘boasts’ a 4.6 on IMDb, with a shockingly bad 28 on Metacritic.

The movie is so famously terrible that the name is still tarnished in a way that could be box office poison, even for Marvel. That plus how unnecessarily weird an anthropomorphic duck would be just makes this movie a bridge too far.

The one good thing to come out of the original Howard The Duck movie was that it forced George Lucas (who funded the project) to sell off several assets to Steve Jobs. This isn’t just good news from a ‘schadenfreude for the Star Wars prequels’ point of view; those assets included a new CGI animation studio, which Jobs would turn into Pixar.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)