MCU Phase 4: 10 Films That MUST Happen (That Marvel Won't Make)

3. Miles Morales

Asgardians Of The Galaxy
Marvel Comics

With Disney’s acquisition of Fox’s Marvel superheroes, you’d think it would be easy to know who they’re even allowed to make a movie of; X-Men and the Fantastic Four are finally eligible again. However, with Miles Morales it’s more complicated.

Miles wasn’t owned by Fox, so he was part of no such deal. Morales instead falls under the remit of Sony, and with Marvel having a deal with that company to use Spider-Man in the MCU, there’s precedent for Miles to appear too.

Even if Marvel can use him though, Shameik Moore’s Miles was note perfect in Into The Spider-Verse. Marvel may just be scared off having their own crack at the character, especially with Holland's Parker still being a high schooler in the MCU.

Regardless, Donald Glover’s Aaron Davis establishes that Miles does exist in the MCU, but it might not get better than that. If he ever does feature, it would be great to see Peter transition from naive kid hanging off Tony’s Stark’s every word to a mature mentor for this new up and comer, but it could still be a long time off.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)