MCU Phase 4: 10 Films That MUST Happen (That Marvel Won't Make)

2. Bucky/Falcon As Captain America

Asgardians Of The Galaxy
Marvel Comics

The MCU is normally incredibly good at keeping secrets, and so astute at trailer fakeouts that some are speculating Tony Stark on Earth from the most recent trailer is just there to throw us off, like Hulk in Wakanda from Infinity War. Despite their previous shrewdness, however, we all know Chris Evans is stepping down from Captain America.

Whether this will be death, retirement, or something altogether more complicated... we have no idea. However, he’ll be leaving a huge void behind in his absence, and it’s one that either Bucky or Falcon could fill.

In the comics, both have taken up the mantle in various arcs. There’s a chance it could happen on the silver screen too, but the matter of legacy has yet to be broached in the MCU.

No doubt if they survive Endgame, Bucky and Falcon will be sticking around. However, the likes of Spider-Man, Black Panther and Captain Marvel will be stepping up to be the MCU’s A-Team, with Thor likely remaining at the pinnacle too.

Replacing Captain America and asking two perennial supporting cast members to become the franchise’s biggest star is a huge risk, and it's one Marvel are unlikely to take.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)