MCU Phase 4: 10 Marvel Movies Taika Waititi Should Direct

7. Miles Morales: Spider-Man

Taika Waititi Hulk

We don’t know who even owns the rights to a live action Miles Morales movie, but for the purposes of speculation it pays to be optimistic. Details of what happened with the sale of Spider-Man to the MCU are sketchy, especially as Peter Parker still appeared in Into The Spider-Verse. Let’s just roll with the possibility and imagine how great Waititi’s version of Miles would be.

Rather than any licensing issues, the biggest problem Into The Spider-Verse would pose is that its version of Miles, voiced by Shameik Moore, was such a perfect version of the character it would make for a lot to live up to.

Waititi is known for his humour, but even he’d struggle to be as off the wall as Spider-Verse got at times. However, he’s definitely creative enough to carve out his own niche, and taking a leaf out of the Tom Holland playbook and skipping past the origin story would allow the story to hit some different beats to Spider-Verse.

Speaking of Holland, Waititi is unlikely to get Spider-Man 3 with Jon Watts already directing the first two, but with Holland’s easy going sense of humour, he’d be perfect for a cameo in Waititi’s Morales movie.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)