MCU Phase 4: 10 Villains Who Could Actually Replace Thanos

7. Michael Korvac

Kang Avengers
Marvel Comics

Fantasy Casting: Domhnall Gleeson

Korvac is a computer technician who betrays humanity to collaborate with the reptilian Brotherhood Of Badoon overthrowing Earth. Given Yon-Rogg is still alive and wants vengeance on Danvers, the Badoon could become the Kree.

He doesn’t serve well though, and is punished by being turned into a cyborg. He’s then forced to fight for the Grandmaster, deliberately losing to learn how much control is being exerted over him.

Once he knows enough, he manages to escape and defeat the Badoon, with eyes on ruling over all creation in their stead, coming face to face with several Avengers along the way.

This all occurs in an alternate universe to the main Earth-616 dimension, but he does eventually space warp to the main canon. However, his motivation may be too Thanos-like there. Imbued with the Power Cosmic, Korvac attempts to turn Earth into a utopia. However, he’s very much a ‘make an omelette, break some eggs’ kind of guy.

As a villain who succeeds through his intelligence rather than his strength, Domhnall Gleeson seems perfect for the part. With his experience from both Star Wars and Deus Ex Machina, the Irish actor has a creepy, lurking quality without being physically imposing.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)