MCU Phase 4: 7 Brand-New Rumours You Need To Know

2. Nova Will Also Apparently Be In Guardians 3

Nova Marvel Movie
Marvel Comics

Source: ThatMarvelScoopMaster

The last we heard of Nova he was supposedly primed for his own film. The character very nearly appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy and almost had an introduction in Avengers: Infinity War. Now, however, it looks as though Guardians 3 will see our first taste of the character.

Just to recap - here are the supposed new characters being introduced in James Gunn's next Marvel film: Adam Warlock, Beta Ray Bill, Quasar, the High Evolutionary and Nova. That's a lot of key characters to juggle around in, bearing in mind the threequel will also have to deal with what's become of the time-displaced Gamora from 2014.

Either way, Nova is apparently on the way. ScoopMaster made the claim in a reply to a Reddit user last week, also admitting that he's heard nothing regarding Namor being included in Black Panther 2 or the Thunderbolts getting their own film.

Nova fans are likely to have no qualms either way. The character is very obviously heading to the MCU at some point or another. Only time will tell if that introduction comes sooner, rather than later.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.