MCU: Predicting 10 Fox/Marvel Characters Disney Will Use First

6. Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom Iron Man Armour
Marvel Comics

For all the (wrong) claims that Marvel still have a villain problem (grow up, guys, it's not Phase One any more), the studio could do with some more A-list bad guys to plump out the MCU rogues gallery. That isn't to say that there aren't lots of lower level villains who couldn't step up, but if we're to have more Avengers movies (and we are), bringing in the heavy, recognisable artillery makes more sense.

The artillery doesn't get much more recognisable nor more heavy than Doctor Doom, who had been the star of his own Fox movie in development before Disney got their chequebook out. He's also thought to be one of the big name properties that Marvel were most keen on bringing back under their own control.

Relegated in movie history so far to terrible movies, Doom's appeal is far broader than his involvement with the Fantastic Four and he has the potential to become a franchise-spanning presence like a Lex Luthor or Thanos for the MCU. He's also been name-checked by Joe Russo as recently as December as someone he'd like to see in the MCU - and again, if there's talk, there's usually a reason.

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