MCU Secret Invasion: Which Heroes Could Be Skrulls?

9. General Thaddeus Ross

Thaddeus Ross
Marvel Studios

Okay so calling him a "hero" by traditional MCU standards is perhaps a little bit of a stretch, but General Ross is by no means a real villain either. He is an instrument of government and ideology - shaped by old-school military experience and personal encounters with the most volatile hero of all, The Hulk.

And more importantly, his involvement as an agent of chaos in the Civil War storyline would be an excellent launch-pad to reveal him as an infiltrating enemy. Assuming we aren't going to get to see the superhero-hunting Thunderbolts movie everybody should want (because it doesn't fit the timeline), this would be the next best option.

With the Skrulls looking to destabilise the Earth's defences, having a key figure leading the charge to regulate superheroes - and knowing it would create a huge schism - would make a lot of sense. And General Ross' surprising reappearance in the MCU would cater to that well.


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