MCU X-Men: 5 Things Disney Must Learn From Fox's Movies

1. R-Ratings Can Be Profitable

Wolverine Costumes

Another point that should be observed across the entirety of the MCU, not just the X-films, is that the mutant-featuring movies which have been given an R-rating have been some of the best in the series,

As with any medium, comics are not simply one genre, meaning that there are some books aimed toward a more mature audience, something which should also apply to superhero movies, which far too often seem to be restricted by the notion that they won't be as profitable as those which are appropriate for any age to watch.

To some degree this is true. But with the rise of Disney's streaming platform, and the success of previous non-PG-13 superhero releases, it would be foolish to have the MCU's content limited to just one rating, especially when there is already a space available for them to exist in.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!