MCU X-Men: 5 Things Disney Must Learn From Fox's Movies

2. It's Good To Stay True To The Source Material

Wolverine Costumes
20th Century Studios

Comics are weird and wonderful things, featuring absurd stories and even more absurd characters, yet, as proven time and again by films like Deadpool, and the excitement over the deleted scene which finally gave audiences a glimpse at Wolverine's classic costume on-screen, staying true to the source material is by no means a bad thing.

This extends to multiple things like the appearance of the characters, and even how their storylines are enacted. So, Marvel, please don't use bland, leather outfits similar to the ones seen in the original trilogy, but instead ones like those seen at the end of Apocalypse, which harkened back to classic X-looks. The X-Men are supposed to be a group of outcasts and misfits, the uniqueness of their costumes should reflect that, after all they're not an army, they're heroes.

Something else which was somehow both exemplified and also forgotten by Fox's movies was the underlying message of equality that defined the original Lee and Kirby books, with certain films, like Days Of Future Past putting it front and centre, and the others making it seem like an afterthought, amongst all the high octane action, the latter of which the MCU veersion should attempt to avoid.

Also, just don't depict characters in ways that they're not supposed to be depicted - Deadpool has the nickname 'Merc with a mouth' for a reason, which X-Men Origins: Wolverine somehow forgot.

We're not saying don't change anything, as Zazie Beetz's take on Domino was fantastic - just don't repeat the tragedy that was the first on-screen incarnation of Deadpool.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!