10. Bring Back The Core Essence Of The Series
The first thing that I want to point out is something that Men In Black 3 didnt quite get right. The third entry was a fun adventure but it lost some of the essence that ran through the first two entries. While I think that it was an excellent decision not to recycle jokes and settings (something Ill discuss in detail further on), I dont think they were right to outright trash major characters and story elements. Josh Brolins surprisingly brilliant imitation of Tommy Lee Jones was just enough to make us feel like the character of Agent K wasnt completely absent. But the killing off of Zed was almost criminal. I understand why that was done, however. Rip Torn is a little preoccupied at the moment, to say the least. Still, we got a cameo from those annoying little worm things. Would it be so much to ask for a little Frank the Pug cameo this time around? I know the dog is long dead but nobody will notice if they use a new pug. What about a catch up with Jeebs? I know they dont want to overdo the characters like they did in the first sequel, but that doesnt mean they should be absent altogether. Theyre good for at least one more joke each. Whatsmore, major story elements were juggled in the latest entry. What happened to the mystery in the first film? The entire plot of Men In Black 3 was laid out for us at the beginning by the overweight time travel expert. Remember in the first movie how they slowly revealed the true nature of the galaxy? Then we found out it was just for a game of marbles. That was interesting. Id like the new story to involve another mysterious situation that the agents have to unravel. Even the miserable second entry got that right with the mystery as to what Selina was looking for. In fact, the essence of Men In Black leads me to another important point...