Michael Sheen: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Dr Slavkin O'Hara - Jesus Henry Christ (2012)

Little Miss Sunshine was nothing but trouble for the film industry. While the film itself still holds up, years on from its surprise Oscar wins - it's warm without being sentimental or saccharine, Steve Carrell's rarely given a better performance, and it manages not to completely crap over the young Abigail Breslin's dream of pageant glory whilst criticising the practice - its influence is far more suspect. To a degree Hollywood is still in the throws of a post-Little Miss Sunshine twee-pocalypse. In some cases the success of the film lead to good films like Juno getting made; at the same time, it also meant that a lot of shallow, surface-level €œquirky€ films about dysfunctional families got made. Jesus Henry Christ is once such film. The poster boasts the requisite bright colour scheme and cobbled-together collage look of a poster and the finished film has a similar feel, in a bad way. The premise is nominally about the troubles of raising a test tube baby, with Little Miss Sunshine's Toni Collette the mom opposite Michael Sheen as a potential surrogate father for the troubled, dad-less kid, but it never really goes anywhere. And neither does Sheen's performance.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/