Mission Impossible Rogue Nation Reviews: 11 Early Reactions You Need To Know

3. Jeremy Renner & Ving Rhames Are Barely In It

Many critics noted surprise at how little Ving Rhames and especially Jeremy Renner appear in Rogue Nation, with Renner's William Brandt mostly sticking to Washington DC until later on in the movie. Rhames' series regular Luther even apparently says at one point, "I could€™ve done this from home", and of Renner's curtailed turn, one critic said, "if Ghost Protocol suggested that Renner might one day succeed Cruise as the star of the series, Rogue Nation forcefully overturns any such notion €“ his biggest set-piece is running through a car park in London". "Sidelined" is a phrase used by many critics, who expressed disappointment in Renner getting another supporting part (much like The Avengers' Hawkeye) that's under-served and just not interesting enough. They didn't seem quite so bothered about Luther, with several reviewers expressing amusement at how the film sneakily cuts around scenes where Luther has to run, because of course, Rhames is 56 years old now (admittedly only 3 years older than Cruise, but still). In short, if (for some reason) you're planning on seeing Rogue Nation mainly for Renner, don't bother.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.