Mortal Kombat: 10 Actors The Reboot Needs

7. Jason Statham - Kano

Granted, Jason Statham might resent playing a supporting character given that he's an action star in his own right now, but the intense Crank actor would be a magnificent fit if he's willing to try something a little different. After noting the obvious physical resemblance between the two, one has to wonder whether Statham could convincing pull off an Australian accent, something which would rile fans if he wasn't capable. However, we needn't ask whether he has the physical chops for the role, because Statham, the only bankable action star really left standing, unquestionably can. It comes down to whether Statham wants to move away from his man's man roles and opt for something a little more eccentric and weird, given Kano's unstable, even campy personality. If he wants to stretch himself, this could be a very interesting melding of player and part, and add a much-needed marquee name to a cast otherwise mostly composed of up and comers.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]