New Batman Movie: 10 Actors to Play Jim Gordon in Batman 4

9. Gary Cole

Maybe Gary Cole is an outside choice, but the more I look at him, the more I see the face fit. And if you consider €˜Jim Gordon€™ as you might remember him from one of the animated series, there€™s a steady, confident tone to the voice of the character that Cole could provide in spades. There€™s a certain angular, comic-book character look to Cole €“ call it superior facial structure €“ that I think would lend itself well to the Jim Gordon character, particularly if Warner Bros. are looking to take the franchise back to its comic book roots in line for a Justice League movie. He may not be as prestigious a name compared to some of the other potentials, but I argue he can create just as vivid a Jim Gordon, given the right director.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.