New Batman Movie: 10 Actors to Play Jim Gordon in Batman 4

7. Eric Stoltz

Eric Stoltz was originally in line to play Marty McFly in Back to the Future, until Michael J. Fox swooped in to secure the part. If he had have won the role as Doc. Brown€™s time travelling assistant then we€™d have probably had a much more famous Eric Stoltz on our hands. He€™d be an ideal casting choice for a slightly younger Jim Gordon; perhaps one who isn€™t yet the Commissioner of the GCPD. That said, he€™s getting older now, and he€™s aging well. He€™s got that €˜Red Head€™ look as Jim Gordon traditionally has, which doesn€™t just mean that he has naturally red hair, although that he does €“ he€™s got that complexion, that certain skin tone. An outside choice, thanks to his current celebrity profile, but a surprisingly strong choice nonetheless.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.