New Batman Movie: 10 Actors to Play Jim Gordon in Batman 4

6. William H. Macy

Thanks to some of his previous performances in certain movies €“ Fargo, Mystery Men or Magnolia for example €“ you might immediately consider Macy to be an ill fit for the role of Jim Gordon. But take a look at the face fit. Jim Gordon, to me, is slightly geeky. He€™s the alpha dog of the GCPD, but he€™s a Beta male. He€™s the human anchor to the Batman world; if anyone is €˜us€™, if anyone has our point of view on Batman, it€™s Gordon. With that said, there€™s a relatable meekness to Macy that I€™d consider to be a big part of Jim Gordon; a part of him that just doesn€™t want to be where he has to be, to do what he has to do. Now think about those previous roles of Macy€™s again €“ if he were to tone down the meekness a little for a performance in a new Batman movie, he might just make the perfect Gordon.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.