New Deadpool Trailer: 8 Major Revelations From Director Tim Miller

3. Blind Al

If Deadpool never gets a sequel, then fans can at least be grateful that this movie is throwing in as much from his comics as possible. The Merc with the Mouth's ally - of sorts - Blind Al is definitely a surprising addition though, especially as their relationship in the comics bordered on being abusive (he actually kidnapped her and made a habit of locking her in the Box when she wronged, a small room filled with sharp objects) and is likely to make for very uncomfortable viewing in what looks set to primarily be a comedy. Miller however has now confirmed that the movie is dropping those "darker" aspects, particularly in regards to why she stays with Deadpool. Instead, it sounds like the character will serve more as a way of showing that there's still some good left in the Merc with the Mouth despite what his actions might say about him. "Deadpool does some things that are hard to stomach and not normal things that heroes would do, but to see their relationship was a really, really beautiful thing. And I think where it falls in the movie really makes us root for him even more because he's going through this horrible thing but he still has very human scenes with ." That's probably the best way to tackle Al's involvement here and sounds a lot better than a scene depicting Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool locking an elderly blind woman in a room where the floor and walls are littered with knives, broken bottles, and used syringes!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.