Next James Bond Film: 10 Predictions For Post-Daniel Craig Era

8. The Series FINALLY Gets Its First Female Director

No Time To Die James Bond
Warner Bros.

You need no further proof of Hollywood's glass ceiling than the fact that, across almost 60 years of Bond films, not a single one of the 25 movies has been directed by a woman.

But with women increasingly headlining blockbuster films in recent years, it certainly feels like it's time for a Bond film helmed by a female filmmaker.

There's certainly not a lack of choices: Ava DuVernay, Chloe Zhao, Dee Rees, Kathryn Bigelow, Patty Jenkins, Lana Wachowski, Lynne Ramsay, Debra Granik, and Emerald Fennell are just a few kneejerk names to be considered.

Given that No Time to Die implied a more progressive and forward-thinking approach to Bond from here on out, it'd certainly be massively disappointing if a woman wasn't given the opportunity to lead the charge for at least one of the new 007's movies.

All in all, it seems quite unlikely we won't have a female-directed Bond film by the end of the next era, even if there's also an undeniably huge list of acclaimed male directors many fans would also love to see at the helm (namely, Christopher Nolan and Denis Villeneuve).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.