Oscar Nominations 2019: 6 Ups & 9 Downs

7. Snubbed: Bradley Cooper For Best Director (A Star Is Born)

A Star Is Born Bradley Cooper
Warner Bros.

Perhaps the most surprising snub of the entire lot was Bradley Cooper missing out on a Best Director nomination for A Star Is Born, despite seeming like a lock for a nomination for pretty much the entirety of Oscar season.

It's especially odd as Cold War's Pawel Pawlikowski even managed to sneak a shock Best Director nod, and it's just tough to make sense of how Cooper was pipped to the post by a niche filmmaker who didn't have anywhere near his level of support.

While Spike Lee, Yorgos Lanthimos and Alfonso Cuaron were untouchable in this category, having both Pawlikowski and Adam McKay in the mix but not Cooper is just wrong. It's Ben Affleck getting snubbed for Argo all over again, and puts A Star Is Born's Best Picture prospects in serious doubt.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.