Oscars: 10 Worst Films Ever Nominated

4. Beethoven€™s 2nd (Best Original Song)

beethoven Live action films containing animals have a very chequered history. Very rarely does a film become both commercially and critically successful, with maybe the closest that films of this genre has come is 101 Dalmatians. The Beethoven series started before this in 1992, with the original Beethoven, a film I will admittedly confess to liking as a child. Despite my delusion and being sucked in with cuteness, on revisiting the film I came to realize it is just bad is every department, the plot is horrible, the acting is atrocious and it really does insult a child€™s intelligence. Critically panned, the film was extremely successful commercially, with the films most famous aspect coming through its Academy award nomination for Best Original Song. The film series has managed to gain seven films under the Beethoven name. It really should have stopped here.
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Currently in my 3rd year studying for a BA in English Literature & Film at Edinburgh Napier University. Twitter - @niallmcloughlin